Answer the hero’s summons to become a legendary Dungeon Master! Craft your character sheet and create a personalized tabletop miniature for resin 3D printing, bringing your player character to life! Immerse yourself in a captivating blend of hands-on craftsmanship and engaging D&D campaigns, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the game.
Add a touch of flair to your adventures by casting a custom D20 die in resin. Acquire the skills to excel as a Dungeon Master (also known as DM), capable of orchestrating your own D&D games long after the camp experience! Participants will depart with an exclusive Voxel DM kit, a resin-cast D20, a personalized resin miniature, and a stylish dice tray. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned adventurer, all are welcome!
*Materials cost are included in ticket price
In this Camp you will develop these Skills:
3D model, 3D print, Character design, game design, tabletop game design, hands-on, writing, narrative design, resin casting